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Kombucha.  All I need to get my day going-- try it instead of coffee :) Need I say more:
*Probiotics – healthy bacteria
*Alkalize the body – balances internal pH
*Detoxify the liver – happy liver = happy mood
*Increase metabolism – rev your internal engine
*Improve digestion – keep your system moving
*Rebuild connective tissue – helps with arthritis, gout, asthma, rheumatism
*Cancer prevention
*Alleviate constipation
*Boost energy – helps with chronic fatigue
*Reduce blood pressure
*Relieve headaches & migraines
*Reduce kidney stones
*High in antioxidants – destroy free-radicals that cause cancer
*High in polyphenols
*Improve eyesight
*Heal excema – can be applied topically to soften the skin
*Prevent artheriosclerosis
*Speed healing of ulcers – kills h.pylori on contact
*Help clear up candida & yeast infections
*Aid healthy cell regeneration
*Reduce gray hair
*Lower glucose levels – prevents spiking from eating


  1. omgosh i use to see these at whole foods all the time and wondered about them!!! i will definitely try these now especially with all the amazing things it does.. i dunno if i can find it in germany but when i visit home i will definitely give these a whirl :)!

  2. I love a health drink - looks great! x

  3. Hello!
    I was wondering when are you going to post that lotion toner mask that you promised?
    I love watching your videos & I do understand that you must be very busy


    1. Wii do this ASAP!~ :) thanks for stickin' around :) :) :)


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